Since 1978 the artist has planned combinations of screens which give structure to spaces in which
painting unfolds in a continuous narrative.
In 1990 he created the nucleus of Labyrinth in sixteen boards painted on all sides using the techniques
of Black Enamel and Lacquer. Labyrinth is a variable, movable and combinative installation with a sound component,
called Omphalos.
It is a free ensemble of mobile, hinged pieces, rotating at 360°. The painting work can be seen on the side,
and one can walk around or through it.
Labyrinth takes the form of unlimited space that can be explored; it creates places and spectacular events
using space, time, light, and sound.
It is composed of four polyptychs, made in Rome in 1990, as well as a drum, Omphalos, made in Los Angeles in 1999.
Other moving elements - Spiral, Signs, Silences, Discs – are yet to be made and located within the awaiting space.